Shown below is the list of accepted teams for the CNC League 2021 Fall tournament for the age group.
U12G Group C 7 - Accepted Teams
Group Club/Team Name Team ID  Head Coach
 A1 Windsor Locks Soccer Club
Windsor Locks U12G
NC0B-01CG10-0043   David White
 A2 West Hartford Soccer Club
W.Hartford_GU12 Atletico_2010
NC0G-01CG10-0013   David Aucoin
 A3 Somers Soccer Association
SOMERS U12 Girls Fall 2021
NC06-01CG10-0008   Joe Radziewicz
 A4 Portland Soccer Club
Portland 12UG Fire
CN0H-01CG10-0006   Carol Hall
 A5 Granby Rovers Soccer Club
Granby U12G
NC0I-01CG10-0009   Stephen Earl
 A6 Glastonbury Hartwell Soccer Club
Glastonbury GU12 WHITE
CN0K-01CG10-0014   Paul Wechsler
 A7 Bristol Soccer Club
Bristol Soccer Club - G2010
CN0N-01CG10-0017   Victoria Malick